Binary System
Örnek 1 Onlu tabanda verilen 25 sayısının ikili tabandaki karşılığını bulalım. (2510 = X2);
25 = 2 4+2 3+2 2+ 2 1+ 2 0
25 = (11001)2
Sonuç X = (11001)2 elde edilir.
input — → storage — →progress — →output=====> this is COMPUTER
Operating System is a bridge between the hardware and software.
Deadlock is a situation which two or more processes are waiting for eachother untill it finishes and none of them finishes.
Multithreading For example, while subscribing to a website, clicking the submit button would cause you to wait until the confirmation e-mail is sent to your mailbox if it is not sent on a separate thread.
Multiprocessing aynı beynin sağ ve sol eli eş zamanlı kullanması, yani tek CPU çok işlem, çok CPU çok işlem olursa multiprogramming
Multithreading aynı elin parmaklarını kullanması
Shell is an interface between the user and the kernel
Transistor yarı iletkendir sıcaklığa göre iletir veya iletmez
Kernel kahya herkes ona söyler işi kernel yapar, shell ona tercüme eder.
İlk sinyali bios karşılar
Tek çekirdek multiprocessing yapamaz çünkü tek CPU var
File metadata: files’detailed info.
Root directory is top-level directory of a file system.(C:)
8 bit = 1 byte
1024 byte = 1 KB
1024 KB = 1 MB
1024 MB = 1 GB
1024 GB = 1TB
Soru: ANADOLU kelimesi kaç Byte ve kaç Bit’tir.
Çözüm: ANADOLU kelimesi 7 karakterden oluşmaktadır. 1 Karakter=1 Byte olduğu için bu kelime 7 Byte’tır. 1Byte=8 bit olduğundan dolayı bu kelime 8x7=56 Bit’tir.
1 billion pulses per second is GIGAHERTZ
Step-by-step solving a problem is alghorythm.
Source code is a program in a high level language before being compiled
Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
Domain Name System (DNS) domain almak demek bu sistemden bir adres almak demektir.
Internet Protocol(IP adress) this is uniqe for every computer.
Private IP adresses are assigned by DHCP(Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)
HyperText Transfer Protocol(http://) köprü metni aktarım protokolü
front-end is client side, back-end is server side.
Assembler translates [Assembly Language] to [Machine Language].
Compiler translates high-level language to machine language as a file, interpreter is not.both of converters.
Properties assigned to a file are file attributes(hidden, read only, system)
Detailed features of a file are file metadata
The internet layer is responsible for finding the best route to the destination address for the data packets. This process is called routing.
Every web page has human readable(domain names) and computer readable(IP adresses) names.
- https://: Specifies the protocol used to access web site address
- Domain name
- /about/: The path to the directory.
- www: Subdomain
- com:Top Level Domain
- : Fully Qualified Domain Name
IMAP internet message access protocol
SMTP simple mail transfer protocol
Software is loaded to RAM because CPU connects to it.
Internet has a distributed structure, not centralised or decentralised.
Public IP and than private IP in Local Area Network(LAN)
ping command sends four signals and control connections.
tracert komutu
Shared hosting is for multiple users
Dedicated hosting is only for a single person or a company.
We send our emails with that simple mail transfer protocol(SMTP).
Databases use tables for managing data. We can ask questions to tables to reach specific info.(query)
Storing and retreiving, one of the database features.
Big data is data that contains greater variety arriving in increasing volumes and with ever-higher velocity.
Bilgisayarın telefon defteri Domain Name Server dır.
Public cloud (common)
Hybrid cloud(public + private)
Private cloud(bank)
Community cloud (not common)
Cloud hizmetleri; on-site(her şeyi sen yaparsın), Iaas(bazı şeyler cloud servis sağlayıcısınca yapılır), Paas(app ve data hariç cloud servis sağlayıcı yapar), Saas(herşeyi servis sağlayıcı yapar)
Physical, software, network security üç katman güvenlik.
identification(username), authentication(password), authorization(assign as admin, user vs.)