11 min readFeb 12, 2022

according to my information : bildiğime göre

if i was in your shoes

i’m not familiar with that kinda (kind of)technology.

do you feel proud of… : gurur duyuyor musun

playing music is the brain’s equivalent of a full body work out.

Scientifics have made enormous breakthroughs.

the mere exposure effect : sadece maruz kalma etkisi

sick approach : hastalıklı yaklaşım

if we keep our wisdom : eğer mevcut bilgeliğimizi muhafaza edersek

verbal : social, yazım

throw an error/arise an error : programın hata vermesi

conjuction : bağlaç

get out of pity potty : kurban rolünden çık

wake your ass up : kıçını kaldır

awaken the beast inside : içindeki canavarı uyandır

stop the lies with truth : yalanı doğruyla yen

keep in mind : aklından çıkarma

the weatherman on TV said that the likelihood of rain today was fairly high

they were impressed with by the scale of the operation

most probably : kuvvetle muhtemel

stay strong, believe in yourself, never give up

Babies are hardwired to (-e yapmaya sıkıca bağlı olmak) pay attention to anything that is brightly colored, fast moving or loud.

interfere : i don’t want to interfere your meeting

she did it as a courtesy(politeness), not because she had to.

he’s adept(skilled) at fixing computers

visual intelligence : görsel zeka

auditory intelligence : işitsel zeka

kinesthetic intelligence : bedensel zeka

a neat(net, excellent) man who always wore a suit

innermost circle : en iç çember

outermost circle : en dış çember

local scope : yerel kapsam

you can send me messages via(with using, üzerinden) whatsapp

we are ten now : şu an (artık) on kişiyiz.

I thought I perceived (algılamak) a problem but i wasn’t sure.

past experiences have predisposed (meyilli olmak, yatkın olmak) her to distrust people

I can’t tell whether Jim is friend or foe. (how to tell friend or foe, dostu düşmandan ayırmak)

I’m a huge fun of … : ben … nın büyük taraftarıyım, takipçisiyim.

little side note here! : burada kenara küçük bir not düşelim.

let’s start from the top!

traceback error : geri izleme hatası

in the worst case : en kötü ihtimalle

anticipate : wait, expect

created at : oluşturulma zamanı

modified at : güncellenme zamanı

make it difficult to adhere : bağlı kalmayı zorlaştırmak

whereas : buna karşılık

alias : takma ad

whatsoever : ne olursa olsun

it’s not your only option : tek seçeneğin bu değil

don’t tempt us against each other : bizi birbirimize karşı kışkırtma!

hence the name lambda function : isminin lambda fonksiyonu olmasının sonucu olarak

parsing error : ayrıştırma hatası

dizzy : stun, başı dönmek, şaşırtmak

point is that : asıl nokta şu ki

at scale : geniş ölçekte

municipality : belediye

node : düğüm

in many cases : çoğu durumda

that is why : bu kalıptan sonra gerekçe açıklanır

layout : order, scheme, array

reliability : trustworthiness, credibility, safety

essentially : actually, in fact

let’s jumpstart : hadi başlayalım

irrelevant : alakasız

inspire by : ilham almak

overwhelmed : sıkılmış, bunalmış

preventing : önleme

verb + whether + subject → olup olmayacağını

obsessed with : takıntılı olmak

eventual goal : nihai hedef

appeal to : ilgi çekmek, hitap etmek, müracaat etmek

by aligning : hizalayarak, uyumlu hale getirerek

I support you : I’m thinking like you.

negotiation : müzakere

slightly : biraz

explicitly : clearly

frankly : açıkçası

precise : exact, certain, kesin

pursue : maintain, sustain, takip etm.

broaden our horizon : ufkumuzu açar.

it’s up to you : size kalmış, nasıl istersen

it’s pretty clunky : oldukça hantal

let’s grasp(catch, comprehend) the matter(issue, point) with an example.

user defined functions + built-in functions => python functions

reptilian brain : controls the body’s vital functions such as heart rate, breathing, body temperature and balance.

interchangeable : değiştirilebilir, değiş tokuşlu

beverage : drink(hot, cold, soft etc. all types)

it looks like : gibi görünüyor.

it’s weird : tuhaf!

lesson is getting weird now! : ders ilginç(tuhaf) olmaya başladı.

drawback : disadvantage

you can observe(track, watch) and measure the impact(effect, influence) of the changes.

board is used throughout(during) the project

I do (emphatic do) like watching movies (native usage) : I really like watching movies.(non-native usage)

I didn’t like X I did like

intern : stajyer

frustration : hüsran

on-site working : being physically in there

software developer candidate : yazılımcı adayı

could have, would have, should have : present feelings about a past decision.

we could have left the party earlier.

If Messi had scored, Barça would have won.

You should have spoken to me before deciding.

more than welcome : hoşgeldinden daha fazlası

FHS : file system hierarchy standart

commitment : promise, connection, söz, taahhüt

ssh : secure shell connects to remote hosts.

inheritance : kalıtım, bir class taki, dosyadaki özellikleri diğerine aktarmak

I hope you get well : inşallah iyi olacaksın.

meeting attendees : participants, katılımcılar

superscripted X subscripted

particular : specific, certain, belirli

probably : muhtemelen

charity : hayır kurumu

definitely : certainly

are you available? : müsait misin?

no worries, it’s fine! : endeşe etme sorun yok!

concatonate : *(asteric)’in pythonda stringleri yapıştırması, adjacent(bitişik)

initial : paraf, elementary, first

built-in function : gömülü fonksiyon embed function : gömülü fonksiyon

double quote : “çift tırnak single quote : ‘tek tırnak

exclamation mark : ! işareti

loop : döngü

square brackets : [] köşeli parantez curly braces : {} süslü parantez

user defined function : kullanıcının hazırladığı fonksiyonlar

string : set of characters represented in quotation

variable : place where a value can be stored

complex type is using in quadratic equations

patch : yama

SRS Software Requirement Specification : ihtiyaç tespit dokümanı

gap : space, blank

merge : mezc etmek

reputation : itibar

tradeoff : takas, değiş tokuş

suitable for beginners : acemiler için uygun

consequently : as a result, finally

you are screwed : ayvayı yedin dont mess with it : kurcalama

great insight : büyük içgörü

preventive procedures : önleyici prosedürler

compaction : sıkıştırma

branch : branş

let me take a sip of my tea! : çayımdan bir yudum alayım müsaadenizle!

instead : yerine

i’ve seen it before : onu daha önce görmüştüm

assess : evaluate, analyse

glue code : Python’ın yazılım dünyasındaki namı

heap : bulk, yığın, öbek

circumstances : conditions

exclusively : only, münhasıran

undertake : accept, bear, üstlenmek

procrastinate : delay, hesitate, ertelemek

trial & error : deneme yanılma

essay : article, deneme, makale

utility : tool, widget, programme, software, benefit

referrals : referans

enthusiast : addicted to, bağımlı, tutkun

humble : mütevazı

hustle : acele

impact : effect, action

package up your awesome : en iyi özelliklerini toparla (resume)

eleborate : refine, detaylandırmak, let’s eleborate on this.

I’m pretty sure : gayet eminim.

i was wondering if : diye soracaktım, diye merak ediyordum.

must have V3 : olmalı kalıbı

i’m finding my feet : become confident in an activity

oh, well. you live and learn! : hmmm. yaşıyor ve öğreniyorsun(olmuş olaya denir)

masterpiece : sanat eseri

hardly any : almost any, neredeyse hiç

genuine : özgün, hakiki

sincere : içten

not on your life : hayatta olmaz

disrupt : break down

significant : meaningful, distinctive

immediate : urgent, at once, derhal

prefix(önek) ❌ suffix(sonek)

trail : footprint, drag, track

strip : peel, soymak

leading and trailing characters : baştaki ve sondaki karakterler

encompass : cover

peripheral devices : çevresel aygıtlar

upon : on, against, üzerine

strive : struggle, çabalamak

proprietary : patent, ownership, private (özel tescilli), opposite of open source

joint : birlik

desire : wish, lust, arzu, şehvet

bundle : package, bunch

vendor : provider, manufacturer, merchant

by spearheading innovation : yeniliklere öncülük ederek

cutting edge technology : üstün teknoloji (son nokta)

counterpart : colleague, equivalent, muadil, ikame

consumer : customer, buyer

enhance : improve, expand

vary : change, alter, differ

sole control : unique control

retain : maintain, hold

initiative : enterprise, action

permissive person : tolerant, hoşgörülü

distinct : different, apropriate, özgü

contemporary : modern, current, çağdaş

dependence : addiction

occur : begin, happen

plug in interface : eklenmiş arayüz

whereas : oysa, buna karşılık

in contrast to : unlike, aksine

legible : readable, okunaklı

conventions : rules, deals, contracts, kurallar

underscore : _ alt tire

explicit : clear, categorical

semicolon : ; noktalı virgül

colon : : iki nokta üstüste

comma : , virgül

is disregarded : ignore, göz ardı edilir

hypen : — tire

6 to the power 2 : ⁶²

aspect : direction, perspective, yön in all aspects : tüm yönleriyle

point of view : bakış açısı

attitude : mindset, approach, manner, tutum

stamina : resistance, dayanma gücü

reality check : hedefimden şaştım mı kontrolü

distractions : oyalanma

resilience : flexibility

LAN Local area network : yerel ağ

therefore : so, thus, accordingly

unambiguous : simple, clear, açık

user friendly interface : kullanıcı dostu arayüzü

common sense : ortak akıl

decomposition : divide big problem into small problems

pattern recognition : interpreting patterns and models

prevalent : common, yaygın

pillar : column, sütun

ponder : puzzle over, kafa yormak

dissertation : thesis, tez, bilimsel inceleme

whisk : çırpmak

precise : accurate, hassas, kesin

finite set : limited, bitimli

virtue : superiority, erdem, fazilet

apart : aside, ayrı

data sequence : veri dizisi

stem : come, root, gelmek, kök

temporarily(geçici) ❌ permanently(kalıcı)

persistant : kalıcı, iz bırakan

allocate : tahsis etmek, konumlandırmak

interfere : cross, karışmak, engellemek

properly : fully, uygun bir şekilde

prominent example : foremost example, önde gelen örnek

prompt : request

thumbnail : picture

CLI Command line interface : komut satırı, terminal

resemble : imitate, imitasyon

circuit : cycle, devre

HTML Hyper text markup language

CSS Cascading style sheets : a high level language, basamaklı stil sayfaları

cascade : waterfall, basamaklamak

dedicate : ithaf etmek, yield, offer, adamak, özverili olmak

perseverance : azim

diligence : çalışkanlık

technical infrastructure : technical groundwork, teknik altyapı

virtually : almost, pretty much, nearly, neredeyse

throughout : during, boyunca

assume : accept, consider, acknowledge, confirm, think

PEP Python enhancement proposal : python geliştirme adabı

spectrum : range, scale, yelpaze, çeşitlilik

assure : provide, ensure, garanti etmek

comprise : contain, include

subsequent : following, ardısıra gelen, sonraki

so that : böylelikle

warranty : right, benefit, guarantee

permanent : consistent, invariable, tutarlı

discretion : admiration, takdir yetkisi

unsolicited : unwanted

harass : annoy, disturb, abuse, taciz etm.

conduct : move

cohort : community, society, group

GUI Graphical user interface : grafiksel kullanıcı arayüzü

jack of all trades : her işte usta

occupy : işgal etmek, meşgul etmek

evict : tahliye

API Application programming interface : aplikasyon programlama arayüzü

engaging : be attached to, bağlanılan

extension : appending, widening

absolute beginner : exact beginner, certain beginner

neural network : yapay sinir ağı

as soon as possible : mümkün olan en kısa zamanda, ilk fırsatta

fraction of cost : maliyetin bir kısmı

sophisticated : advanced, developed, high

fascinating case study : impressive case study, glamorous case study

NLP Natural language processing : doğal dillerin kurallı yapısının çözümlenerek anlaşılması süreci

exponantially : katlanarak

with an emphasis on implementation : uygulamaya önem vererek

a glimpse of what is possible : a mark of what is possible

well versed executer : iyi bilgilendirilmiş yönetici

without going insane : delirmeden

a bunch of stuff : a lot of things

pecking at the keyboard : klavyeyi gagalamak

participant : katılımcı

immersive : sürükleyici

response : reply, reaction, answer

till : untill, up to

MVP minimum viable product : zaman ve paranın en az harcandığı prototip üründür.

via : over, üzerinden

viable : valid, canlı

abbreviated : kısaltma

decent : polite, good

thread : wire, string, iplik, tel threads are in the cable

corporation : company, establishment

assertive : positive, affirmative, iddialı

distinguished : outstanding, selected, famous

fortunately : luckily, neyse ki, çok şükür

coincedence : chance, encounter, rastlantı, tesadüf, e.g. what we will encounter(ne il karşılaşacağımızı)

underestimate : look down on, küçümsemek

up to date curriculum : güncel müfredat

illuminated : brighten, dawn, light up

hope for the best! : hayırlısı!

figure out : solve, discover, clarify

priviliege : franchise, favor, imtiyaz

annual salary : yıllık gelir

dadication : inscription, fedakarlık, özveri

affordable : purchasable, ekonomik

counsellor : advisor, supervisor, danışman

entitlement : “sen benim kim olduğumu biliyor musun” anlayışı

positive mindset : affirmative point of view

intellectual property : fikri mülkiyet

self confidence : özgüven

tips and tricks : ipuçları ve püf noktalar

solidify : sağlamlaştırmak

miscellaneous : various, muhtelif

competency : talent, proficiency

farewell : latest, final, veda

component : supplementary, bileşen

tangbly : appreciable, visible, measurable, noticeable, somut

invite bulk : topluca davet et

template : sample, pattern, form

messy : chaotic, sloppy, dağınık

are connected via : üzerinden bağlanır

bug : defect

investigation : inquiry, soruşturma

beside this : bunun yanında

howdy do : naber

encounter : face, karşılaşmak, rastlantı

corresponding : suitable, equivalent

fit : agree, adjustment, appropriate, uymak, uyum, yerinde

internal and external factors : içsel ve dışsal etkenler

ample resources : huge, sufficient resources

incremental : additional, artımlı

excess : extreme

entire : total, complete, whole, tüm

rigorously : titizlikle

rigidity : bükülmezlik, katılık

exploit : leverage, sömürmek, faydalanmak

intention : ambition, purpose, niyet

render : represent, işlemek

frequent : continuous, sık görülen

exceed : cross, beat, sınırı aşmak

ascending(yükselen) ❌ descending(alçalan)

odd(tek) ❌ even(çift)

reverse order : ters sıralama

highlight : emphasize, vurgulamak

pretty cool, right? : oldukça havalı değil mi?

reverse order : tersten sıralama

AI Artificial Intelligence : yapay zeka

Wi-Fi Wireless fidelity : kablosuz sadakat

severe chronic disease : şiddetli kronik rahatsızlık

thus far : şimdiye kadar

from now on : şu andan itibaren

that’s even perfect : bu bile mükemmel

obvious : besbelli, apaçık

that’s all : hepsi bu

good luck with your decision : kararında iyi şanslar

yes, that’s right : evet haklısın ,doğru!

the rest of the week : haftanın geri kalanında

absorve : emmek

Integrated Development Environment IDE

grumpy : huysuz

likewise : also, furthermore

JSON JavaScript Object Notation : is a standard text-based format, used for transmitting data in web applications

RPA Robotic Process Automation

spectacular : wonderful, awesome, muhteşem

poll : anket

outrank : geride bırakmak

carve : hollow, oymak, çukur açmak

yelling : shouting, bağırmak

get rid of : escape, be saved, kurtulmak

i feel like i have forgotten english

indicate : specify, declare, point out, belirtmek

formed this group : bu grubu kurduk, teşkil ettik

inclusive : dahil

dedicated spaces : özel alanlar

unified team : birleşik takım

I withstand therefore I am : direniyorum öyleyse varım

minus (except) the strong smells of food

in the meantime (by the way) here are some apple

I know you got a lot on your plate (a lot of advices are said to you)

I’m a DIY (do it yourself) whizz(a computer whizz : a person who is extremely clever at it.)

I can hand-craft (hand-made) my career marketing materials.

I’ve been in the industry since the cows came home.

Truly: sincerely, indeed

it bears repeating : we success if we repeat

He always teases her : ona sürekli takılıyor

strive : struggle, try, endeavour

same denominator : aynı payda

skyscreaper : gökdelen

in order to : amacıyla, -mek için

in terms of : açısından

besides : outside, without, dışında

little more complicated at the end : sonunda biraz daha karışık, anlaşılmaz

consecutive sharings : ardarda paylaşımlar

free time habit : boş zaman alışkanlıkları

I do (emphatic do) like watching movies (native usage) : I really like watching movies.(non-native usage)

I didn’t like X I did like

intern : stajyer

frustration : hüsran

on-site working : being physically in there

software developer candidate : yazılımcı adayı

could have, would have, should have : present feelings about a past decision.

we could have left the party earlier.

If Messi had scored, Barça would have won.

You should have spoken to me before deciding.

more than welcome : hoşgeldinden daha fazlası

FHS : file system hierarchy standart

commitment : promise, connection, söz, taahhüt

ssh : secure shell connects to remote hosts.

inheritance : kalıtım, bir class taki, dosyadaki özellikleri diğerine aktarmak

I hope you get well : inşallah iyi olacaksın.

meeting attendees : participants, katılımcılar

superscripted X subscripted

particular : specific, certain, belirli

probably : muhtemelen

charity : hayır kurumu

definitely : certainly

are you available? : müsait misin?

no worries, it’s fine! : endeşe etme sorun yok!


Written by David_Moses_HENDERSON

ABAP und Javascript spielen, Deutsch lernen

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