The phases of the software development life cycle are which describes how to develop, maintain particular software.
The life cycle aims to develop a good quality product/software.
High quality, lowest cost in short time.
Requirement Phase : most critical phase, SRS (Software Requirement Specification) is a detailed description of softwares’ requirements
Design Phase : Logical to physical designing.
Build/Development Phase : Coding, longest phase
Testing Phase
Deployment/Delivering Phase : except critical one, defects’ solution waits for the next version.
Maintenance : maintain its operational effectiveness
V1.02.03 (sırayla major version.minor version.patches)
verification : Is the deliverable built according to the specification?(client side)
validation : Is the deliverable fit for purpose?(developer side)
Waterfall SDLC model : small projects, simple to understand, not overlap(one step starts after the end of previous step), good documentation, clearly defined phases but it’s not good for complex and long projects, not adapt to changing requirements
Iterative(incremental) model : At each iteration, a version produced, +new functional capabilities, design modifications.(RAD model follows this one.)
Application of iterative model : some certain high-risk features and goals may change in the future, spending less time on documenting and more time on designing, need more management attention.
Spiral model : risk-driven model, this means risk analysis and risk handling at every phase, being complex is a disadvantage
DevOps model : focuses on communication, collaboration and integration between developers and operations.
Continuous integration is heart of the entire DevOps life cycle.(Jenkins is very popular)
Agile: collaboration between Developers and Customers
DevOps: collaboration between Developers and Operation Teams
DevOps is a set of practices that combine software developing and IT operations.
Cross-functional teams in DevOps.
SDLC da en uzun süren phase building, development’dır.