Tips and Tricks learning foreign language:
-How long have you been speaking/using English? is the main question.
-Follow natives not the others that speaks fluent english!!
-Have you ever taught why children in English speaking countries speak better than us?
-Sometimes we have to think what’s my progress.
-In learning foreign languages we have input skils and output skills.
-Input skills are reading and listening, these make us hearing new words, doing pronounciation better and after a certain time we can understand easily what the speaker says.
-Output skills are writing and speaking, both of them encourage us to making new conversations therefore improvement maintains. Actually, our cognitive load will be less than previous situation.
-When we are watching short videos in english from natives(this is important), we should watch it three times and first time without subtitles, second time with english subtitles and thirth time with turkish subtitles, this one is to control understandings.
-After then we should speak or record a video for one minute/fifty seconds what is the video about, with adding own comments and try to evaluate our understanding.
-In studying pre-class time, to make a good pronounciation, we should read outloud. It’s all about practicing mouth muscles.
-We should prepare with reading or watching somethings to the english session that we are meeting on zoom, so it’ll be easy generating ideas and making comments.
after finishing lesson start making sentences, thinking and going on.
five different usage of “wish”: [i wish i were(this is formal) is equal to i wish i was]
1-unlikely or impossible → i wish i had studied pre class(unfortunately, now im in class)
2-talk about ability or possibility → i wish i could speak english fluently(now i cant but may be in the near future)
3-we want people change their behaviours → i wish you would tidy your bed
4-polite formal complaint → im angry with teacher, i wish to speak him
5-asking sb to do it → i wish you luck for your exam, i wished him a happy birthday
hope and wish comparison example :
i hope that it’s sunny tomorrow (NOT: i wish that it was sunny tomorrow)
I do like watching movies. (do: is an emphatic do) this do is used instead of really or very e.g. i really like watching movies.
She does need new shoes. it means it’s really important to get new shoes. You shouldn’t ignore it.
I didn’t like X I did like
He did try to rob a bank yesterday. (He get up early and go outside then walking on the street he saw somebody crack the bank door)
He did say he was going to be late.
I do (emphatic do) like watching movies (native usage) : I really like watching movies.(non-native usage)
I didn’t like X I did like
I support him (i joined his explanation, i accepted his words)
if two main verbs are in the same sentences, we use those in different tenses. infinitive = to + V, gerund = V + -ing (e.g. I stopped smoking(i dont do it anymore))
stop an action to start a second action (e.g. I stopped to smoke(i dont do it for a while))
first of all : initially, foremost, öncelikle
I’m saying again for people who ever join delayed : geç katılanlar için tekrar ediyorum
Every : emphasize on collecting group.
Each : special on individuals
Every + single nouns → we can use “every” for 3 or more people.
Each + of + plural nouns → we can use “each” for one or two(both is better) person.
Each and Every one of you. → use together for emphasize.
We can use “all” instead “every” to check it out, is that a correct usage.
Both of the + plural noun
every one + of + …(specifying every individual)
everyone(compound noun)
proverb ==> to each his(using both for women and men) own.( used to say that other people are free to like different things)
proverb ==> every man(using both for women and men) for himself. ( used to describe a situation in which people do not help each other and each person has to take care of himself or herself)
If conditionals: from 0 to 3rd conditional is getting from a realistic situation to very imaginary.
0 conditional → true in general/real events (if you heat water to 100°C, it boils.)
we can use “when” instead of “if” in 0 cond.
1st conditional → real or quite possible, %50. (if I miss the train, I will take the next one.)
2nd conditional → unlikely/impossible/probably not going to happen (if she studied harder, she could pass her exams easily.)
3rd conditional → it’s too late now/ past actions. (if I worked harder, i would have been a unicorn millionaire)
usage of still(continuation of a situation), no longer, yet, quite, already, nearly, always :
still i have questions
the still atmosphere : mevcut durum, hava
the sense of stillness (noun)
still your voices (decrease your voices) (verb)
yet : inspite of / but
always : forever
it’s no longer than a couple of miles.
i was a driver now i’m not
I’m not quite sure what you meant by that.
not quite, but i’m trying (close to it, not exact)
nearly : almost
not quite, but nearly
is it seven o’clock already! (ne ara saat 7 oldu!)
is it seven o’clock yet! (saat yedi mi, öfff çok var o zaman daha.)
I still haven’t found my passport = I haven’t found my passport yet.
negative + already = too late to do something
positive + already = too early to do something
mostly usage positive → already; negative → still,yet
Articles : a, an, the
The Netherlands, The United States, The United Arab Emirates (with plural country names, with United)
The teachers, the developers (with a group of people)
in the north of Turkey
the Indian Ocean, the Red Sea
the moon, the earth